Relación de las obras donadas por Dña. Emilia de Gayangos a la Biblioteca de la Academia: Observations of the Musulmans of India; Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (nº 66 June, 1837, nº 71, November-December; Mêlanges de Litterature Orientale (M.DCCLXXXVIII); The Historical Magazine and notes and queries, concerning the Antiquies, History and Biography of America (February-November, 1851, Boston, 11 cuadernos); Journal of the American Oriental Society (vol. I, nº I, 1843 y vol. I, nº III, 1847); Monde Ancien –Civilisation Orientale (Poesia Lyrique, Paris 1870); The Bhâgval – Geeta or Dialogues of Krêêshnâ and Ârjôôn (London, MDCCLXXXV); Liber Diurnus Romanorum pontificum ex unico codice vaticano denuo edidit (Th. E. Ab. Sickel); Miscellaneous translations from Oriental languages (vol. I, London, 1831); Calendar of Letters, Despatches and Mate papers, relating to the negotiations between England and Spain (vol. VI, part. I.-II, Henry VIII 1542-1543, London 1895); Translation of the Cingalese Book called Razamacoleya – Language at Colombo (1807); A Catalogue of the manuscrits in the Cottonian library, deposited in the British Museum (1802).



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