Supplementary Material for the Submission Evaluating the quality of linked open data in digital libraries
03/05/2019Gustavo Candela, Pilar Escobar, Rafael C. Carrasco and Manuel Marco-Such.
Cultural heritage institutions have recently started to share their metadata as linked open data in order to disseminate and enrich them. The publication of large bibliographic datasets as linked open data is a challenge which requires the design and implementation of custom methods for the transformation, management, querying and enrichment of the data. In this report, the methodology defined by Färber et al. for the evaluation of the quality of linked open data is analyzed and adapted to the specific case of the RDF triples containing standard bibliographic information. The specified quality measures are reported in the case of four highly relevant libraries.
Quality assessment
The SPARQL queries to retrieve the list of authors to validate regarding the criteria population completeness, syntactic validity of RDF documents and semantic validity of triples are available at GitHub. It also includes the code to choose a random sample.
Availability of the DL
Contains downtime and uptime measurements per digital library.