The villancico in the works of early Castilian playwrights (with a note on the function and performance of the musical parts)
- Identificador: 615420
- Título: The villancico in the works of early Castilian playwrights (with a note on the function and performance of the musical parts)
- Forma obra: Estudio crítico
- Autor: Río, Alberto del
- Encina, Juan del, 1469-1529
- Villancicos españoles -- Siglo 15º - Historia y crítica
Expresiones [Ediciones y traducciones]
Otra ed.: Tess Knighton y Álvaro Torrente (eds.), Devotional music in the Iberian Worl, 1450-1800. The Villancico and Related Genres, Londres, Ashgate, 2007, pp. 77-98