Praeterita. Outlines of scenes and thoughts, perhaps worthy of memory in my past life: Volume I
- Identificador: 754429
- Título: Praeterita. Outlines of scenes and thoughts, perhaps worthy of memory in my past life: Volume I
- Autor: Ruskin, John, 1819-1900
- Ruskin, John, 1819-1900
- Narrativa inglesa -- Siglo 19º
Expresiones [Ediciones y traducciones]
Praeterita. Outlines of scenes and thoughts, perhaps worthy of memory in my past life: Volume I inglés
Edición digital a partir de New York, Merrill and Baker, [188-?]. -- Localización: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Alicante. Sig. FL-INVES DRPS/FA/1253/a>