Low Enthalpy Geothermal System at Dabeiba, Colombia; an Assessment Through the Hydrogeochemistry of Thermal Waters


Fecha de publicación
Forma obra
Lugar de producción
PROCEEDINGS, 44th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford Geothermal Workshop 44th Annual Meeting, 2019
Nota de edición
Digitalización realizada por la Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República (Colombia)
  • Hydrogeochemistry; Thermal waters; Solute geothermometers; Low enthalpy system
  • Ciencias naturales y matemáticas; Ciencias naturales y matemáticas / Química y ciencias afines
  • Colfuturo
  • © Derechos reservados del autor
  • Dabeiba is a small locality situated at the northern part of the Western Cordillera of Colombia which has the presence of thermal springs with interesting geology and hydrochemistry data. Through stable isotopes a faint mixture between the geothermal waters with superficial waters was identified. The springs are sodium-chloride type slightly diluted, with high concentration of boron. Using the conservative elements allowed identifying all springs from the same reservoir and they are in partial equilibrium according to Na-K-Mg diagram. The reservoir temperature was measured with solute geothermometers selected by the suitable conditions, identifying a low enthalpy system with values of ~150°C. The geothermal system is associated with deeply circulating waters in a fracture zone, where the waters possibly come of releasing from meta-sedimentary rocks and apparently with a bit of magmatic input, explaining the high concentrations salt components and boron.
  • Dabeiba (Antioquia, Colombia)
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