Experimental investigation of fatigue behavior of bitumen = Investigación experimental del comportamiento de fatiga en el betún


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Digitalización realizada por la Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República (Colombia)
  • Tecnología; Tecnología / Ingeniería y operaciones afines; Tecnología / Ingeniería y operaciones afines / Otras ramas de la ingeniería
  • Fatigue; Bitumen; Mortar; Mastic; Dissipated energy; Classical method; Fatigue curves; Dynamic shear rheometer
  • Colfuturo
  • © Derechos reservados de autor
  • Dresde (Sajonia, Alemania)
  • Fatigue distress may be defined as cumulative damage on asphalt due to repetitive loading and it is observed when a huge number of micro-crack is propagated up to create a macro-crack. The fatigue behaviour can be analysed by different approaches and using distinct laboratory devices. This research was intended to investigate the fatigue behaviour of a polymer modified bitumen (PmB 25-55/55A) and an unmodified bitumen (PEN 50/70), as well as mortars and mastics derived from these binders by adding sand and filler in the same proportion. Since various points were needed to plot the final fatigue curves of each material, a total of 42 fatigue tests were performed by using the dynamic shear rheometer (DSR). The fatigue tests were performed by testing 20mm height and 6mm effective diameter cylindrical specimens. The test temperature was 20°C and a 10Hz frequency was chosen along this research. The tests were done under controlled-stress mode, which means that the input shear stress was constant. The initial shear stress used for each material was estimated by executing a previous stress sweep test. Three different initial shear stresses were employed at every bituminous material. By using the DSR, the rheological properties such as complex shear modulus and phase angle were found. The results were processed to estimate the fatigue life of different materials and establish further comparisons. Fatigue life of all materials was calculated by applying the classical method based on the 50% of initial stiffness and the dissipated energy approach. The number of load cycles needed to cause fatigue damage on specimen was defined as the fatigue life under both approaches. Additionaly, the concept of ratio of dissipated energy change (RDEC) was employed to calculate the number of load cycle to fatigue cracking. The results were higher than the dissipated energy ratio, which demonstrated a time lag between the fatigue resistance and the exact moment of cracking. RDEC number of cycles was found as a threshold in the fatigue life of specimen.
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