Effects of the armed conflict on the utilization rates of healthcare services in Colombia = Efectos del conflicto armado en la utilización de servicios de salud en Colombia


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Digitalización realizada por la Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República (Colombia)
  • Ciencias sociales; Ciencias sociales / Problemas y servicios sociales - asociaciones; Ciencias sociales / Problemas y servicios sociales - asociaciones / Problemas y servicios de bienestar social
  • Conflicto armado; Utilización de servicios de salud; Colombia
  • Colombia
  • Colfuturo
  • © Derechos reservados del autor
  • Abstract: Armed conflicts affect almost every aspect of a country’s economy. Although the characteristics of armed conflicts are highly heterogenous, all of them have devastating effects on human capital, social infrastructure, burden of disease and population displacement. Health systems are invariably affected in countries stressed by armed conflicts. Several mechanisms might weaken health systems during the conflict: destruction of health infrastructure, loss of health professionals, interruptions on the supply of drugs and other medical devices or lack of funding as a result of the conflict itself. Decreases in the utilization of healthcare services further add to the suffering of these populations. This research finds that although preventive services might not be directly affected in areas affected by armed conflicts in Colombia, the utilization of non-preventive services might be directly affected. The hypotheses that might explain this phenomenon are discussed and recommendations for further research at made at the end of this report.
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