Antiquities of Mexico : comprising fac-similes of Ancient Mexican Paintings and Hieroglyphics, preserved in the Royal Libraries of Paris, Berlin and Dresden; in the Imperial Library of Vienna; in the Vatican Library; in the Borgian Museum at Rome; in the Library of the Institute at Bologna, and in the Bodleian Library at Oxford; together with the Monuments of New Spain. Vol. V / by M. Dupaix with their respective scales of measurement and accompanying descriptions. The whole illustrated by many valuable inedit Manuscripts by Agustine Aglio
- Autores
- Otro rol: Dupaix, Guillermo, 1746-1818
- Otro rol: Aglio, Agostino, 1777-1857
- Autor: Kingsborough, Edward King, vizconde, 1795-1837
- Identificador
- 1138821
- Fecha de publicación
- 2022
- Forma obra
- Texto
- Lugar de producción
- London, J. Moyes, Took's Court, Chancery Lane, 1830
- Idioma
- español
- Nota de edición
- Edición digital a partir de London, J. Moyes, Took's Court, Chancery Lane, 1830. -- Para cualquier uso de esta obra se ha de solicitar permiso al Fondo Documental Grupo Salinas
- Materias
- México -- Antigüedades
- Indios -- México -- Lenguas -- Escritura
- Manuscritos náhuatl
- Notas
- En la port. de cada volumen consta "In seven volumes"
- Textos en inglés, español, italiano y francés
- Vol.I. Copy of the Collection of Mendoza, preserved in the Selden Collection of Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford (73 pág.); Copy of the Codex Telleriano-Remensis, preserved in the Royal Library at Paris (93 pág.); Fac-simile of the original Mexican Hieroglyphic Painting, from the Collection of Boturini (23 pág.); Fac-simile of an original Mexican Painting in the Collection of Sir Thomas Bodley in the Bodleian Library at Oxford (40 pág.); Fac-simile of an original Mexican Hieroglyphic Painting, preserved in the Selden Collection of Manuscripsts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. -- Vol.II. Copy of a Mexican Manuscripts, preserved in the Library of the Vatican (149 pág.); Fac-simile of an original Mexican painting given to the University of Oxford by Archbishop Laud, and preserved in the Bodleian Library (46 pág.); Fac-simile of an original Mexican Painting, preserved in the Library of the Institute at Bologna (24 pág.); Fac-simile of an original Mexican Painting, preserved in the Imperial Library at Vienna (66 pág.); Fac-similes of original Mexican Paintings deposited in the Royal Library at Berlin by the Baron de Humboldt, and of Mexican Bas-relief preserved in the Royal Cabinet of Antiques. -- Vol.III. Fac-simile of an original Mexican painting, preserved in the Borgian Museums, at College of Propaganda in Rome (76 pág.); Fac-simile of an original Mexican Painting, preserved in the Royal Library at Dresden (74 pág.); Fac-simile of an original Mexican Painting in the possession of M. de Fejérváry, at Pess in Hungary (44 pág.); Fac-simile of an original Mexican Painting, preserved in the Library of the Vatican (96 pág.). -- Vol. IV. Monuments of New Spain by M. Dupaix, from the original drawings executed by order of the King of Spain Specimens of Mexican Sculpture, in the possession of M. Latour Allard in Paris; Specimens of Mexican preserved in the British Museum; Plates copied from the Giro del Mondo of Gemelli Careri: with an engraving of a Mexican Cycle, from a painting formerly in the possession of Boturini; Specimen of Peruvian Quipis, with plates representing a carved Peruvian box containing a collection of supposed Peruvian Quipus. -- Vol.V. Extrait de l'ouvrage de M. de Humboldt sur Les Monuments de l'Amerique; Esplicación [sic.] de la Colección de Mendoza; Explicación del Codez Telleriano-Remensis; Codice Mexicano che si conserva nella Biblioteca Vaticana; Viages [sic.] de Guillermo Dupaix sobre Antigüedades Mexicanas; Libro sexto de la Retórica y Filosofía Moral y Teológica de la gente mexicana donde hay cosas muy curiosas tocantes a los primores de la lengua y cosas muy delicadas tocantes a las virtudes morales / por...Bernardino de Sahagún. -- Vol.VI. Historia Universal de las cosas de la Nueva España / por...Bernardino de Sahagún. -- Vol.VII. Appendix: the interpretatione of the Hieroglyphical Paintings of the Collection of Mendoza; The explanation of the Hieroglyphical Paintings of the Codex Telleriano-Remensis; The traslation of the explanation of the Mexican Paintings of the Codex Vaticanus; The monuments of the New Spain by M. Dupaix
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