The literary text as a vector of construction of transcultural awareness of young readers in FLE


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Digitalización realizada por la Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República (Colombia)
  • Lenguas; Lenguas / Lenguas romances Francés
  • Colfuturo
  • © Derechos reservados del autor
  • Résumé:
    Cette étude se fonde sur l’analyse des réalisations didactiques du texte litéraire en cours de langue. Au sein de la didactique de la littérature il existe plusieurs théories qui replacent aujourd’hui le texte littéraire comme un terrain très fertile pour le développement des capacités autres que langagières chez les apprenants.
    Ainsi nous nous centrons sur la didactisation des textes littéraires dans deux manuels de FLE, notre objectif est de faire un état de lieux concernant le potentiel transculturel des textes et comment ce potentiel est exploité dans la didactisation à travers des tâches qui impliquent l’investissement du lecteur, surtout au niveau culturel.
    This research is based on the uses of literary text in foreign or second language courses. Nowadays, the latest waves in didactics of literature have placed these texts as one of the richest sources of elements which can help students develop not only linguistic skills but also cultural ones; therefore they are named “fruitful land”. In our case, our biggest interest is to analyze the didactisation of texts in two of the latest books conceived for FFL (French as a foreign language) teaching.
    Our main objective is to know what the current situation of our research is. In other words, we aim to know how the literary texts are didactised and whether or not their transcultural potential is taken into account in the process. In order to analyze this, we also take a look at the tasks and the type of relationship between the reader and the reader, mostly when it comes to cultural topics.
  • Conciencia transcultural; Emotional reading; Transculturalidad; Lectura afectiva; Literary text; Reading subject; Sujeto lector; Texto literario; Transcultural awareness; Transculturality
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