Cultural Impact Indexes: background, methodology and results
- Autores
- Identificador
- 874800
- Fecha de publicación
- 2017
- Forma obra
- Texto
- Lugar de producción
- Bogotá: Banco de la República, 2017
- Idioma
- inglés
- Nota de edición
- Digitalización realizada por la Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República (Colombia)
- Materias
- Ciencias sociales; Ciencias sociales / Grupos sociales
- Cultural policy; Culture; Cultural indicators; Cultural management; Cultural statistics; Cultural consumption
- Notas
- Colombia
- Subgerencia Cultural
- © Derechos reservados – Banco de la República
- The result recorded in this document is summarized as a methodological finding that can be used to define a battery of cultural effect and impact indicators and to construct cultural impact indexes. Fifty-one attributes, fourteen indicators and six indexes make up the set of results obtained through the application of social and statistical research methodologies. For example, social capital is one of the five categories identified by the focus groups that were formed to initiate the study. Confidence is one of the six indexes constructed with the information provided by the users and intersects the other five indexes. Trust has been recognized, in different studies and positions, as one of the most important elements of social capital. The document is divided into two parts. The measure of the effect and impact of actions derived from Banco de la República’s cultural policy is presented in Part I, while Part II outlines a statistical framework for consolidating the Information, Monitoring and Evaluation System used by the Cultural Division of Banco de la República.
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