Physicians Career Satisfaction: A Tool and Approach in Andalucía, Spain = Satisfacción Profesional de los Médicos: Un instrumento y aproximación en Andalucía, España


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Digitalización realizada por la Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República (Colombia)
  • Tecnología; Tecnología / Ciencias médicas Medicina
  • Colfuturo
  • © Derechos reservados del autor
  • Andalucía (España)
  • Adaptation; Incentives; Instrument; Physicians; Satisfaction; Validation
  • Objective: Provide an instrument in Spanish for measuring and studying physicians’ career satisfaction in Andalusia, Spain. Method: It followed two general stages: An instrument adaptation and descriptive cross-sectional study. Factor analysis was performed with 16-item scale. Construct validity was verified through a correlation between the summed 16-items scale and the global item, and internal consistency reliability was estimated with a Cronbach’s alpha. Finally, physicians’ career satisfaction was measured and characteristics related to a higher level of satisfaction were explored through a multivariate logistic regression. Results: An instrument adaption into Spanish was developed. Cronbach’s alpha of the instrument was 0.92. The rate response was 40%. Mean career satisfaction was 4.36(SD=0.76) out of a possible score of 6.
    Multivariate logistic regression showed that physicians who reported having received non-economic incentives during last year have a level of career satisfaction 3.11(IC=1.19–8.13) times higher than those that have not received, and also that foreign physicians have a level of career satisfaction 7.81(IC=1.40–43.48) times higher than Spanish ones, controlling by personal, professional, work, and incentives factors. Conclusions: This study performed the adaptation and validation of an instrument which measures physicians’ career satisfaction in Andalusia, Spain.
    The methodology to translate and adapt the instrument was successful, making the method replicable in other languages and countries. The instrument demonstrated acceptable levels of internal consistency reliability and construct validity. It was found that foreign physicians have eight times higher career satisfaction, and physicians that referred having received non-economic incentives during the last year have three times higher career satisfaction.
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